Body-Mind Connection and the Art of Being An Activist

Friday October 16, 2020   
6:30 - 8:00pm

A somatic self-care workshop.

To experience unity in our life, we must be unified within ourselves. A first step in this process is to bring body and mind together to bring us from a "passive" to an active state. 

Join us as we gather to practice exercises that unify and harmonize the energies of body, mind, and heart. Bringing the mind to the activity of the body with a wish to be present is literally the beginning of discovering our true selves and our interconnected relationship with life. The simple somatic practice of Breema can move us from a fragmented, passive state to an active state in which we experience a clear mind, calm heart, and vital body, and instead of reacting to the events of life, we can respond harmoniously. 

Breema is a teaching of the heart, an expression of the unifying principle of Existence. Its purpose is to create harmony and balance between your mind, feelings, and body, and in your relationship to yourself, to others, and to all life. 

Please come prepared to move around  comfortably-- we will be sitting, standing, jumping, and  stretching, leaning, and brushing ---nurturing ourselves through the art of being present. 


ANGELA PORTER, M.A. MFT CMT is an activist and a somatic therapist, trauma treatment and addiction specialist, who specializes in individual and group therapy  practice. She trained in Gestalt, body-centered, and Somatic Therapy at Esalen Institute, Counseling Psychology at The Wright Institute, and is both an instructor and practitioner of BREEMA and a practitioner of EMDR. Facilitating the connection between body and mind is the basis of her work. 

Currently she is a sliding scale private practice clinician at an integrative wellness clinic in Oakland, as well as an adjunct professor at JFK and CIIS graduate psychology programs. She travels internationally teaching BREEMA workshops for teachers, counselors, hospice, activists, therapists, MDs, nurses, midwives, and other healing professionals. /

MATTHEW TOUSIGNANT, M.A., CMT holds degrees from Harvard University and the California Institute of Integral Studies. A Certified Breema Practitioner and Instructor, he teaches Breema extensively in the U.S. and Europe. His body-centered therapeutic work combines the universal wisdom of Breema with a practical knowledge of psychology to connect others to their unique potential as human beings. For more information visit



All events at the East Point Peace Academy are offered on a Gift Economy. This means that there is no fee to register, and everybody is welcome to attend regardless of their ability to pay. An opportunity will be offered to participants to give gifts to support the work of our organization and to support the facilitators. No amount is too small or too large.

To donate for this event, you can visit:


This event will happen virtually using the Zoom online conferencing platform. If you are not familiar with this platform, click here for instructions.

October 16, 2020 at 6:30pm - 8pm
Zoom Video Conferencing
East Point Peace Academy · · (510) 500-7853

Will you come?