Resiliency Re-Set: Somatic Practices to Sustain Action w Staci Haines

Resilience Re-Set: Somatic Practices to Sustain Action
Sunday, November 8th
9AM - 11AM, Pacific Time


We have a vision for the long haul of justice and interdependence. After a week of actions, let's re-set our deep resilience through practicing together.
Through somatic practices, we'll explore how we can continue to take heart-centered action and sustain ourselves. We'll unpack sustainability (for people).  What is it? What does it mean to be self responsive, connected to others, and take action, over time? What does pleasure have to do with it?
Somatics understands safety, belonging, and dignity as core humans needs. Trauma and oppression impact these, as can a week of engaging in sometimes stressful actions. These often lead to predictable survival responses including -- fight, flight, freeze, appease and dissociate. These survival strategies tend to generalize in us, and we can’t not do them when we face stress again.  
We can work with these automatic reactions, though. We can either transform them, or befriend them in ways that give us more choices. We can then respond based on our values and build more resilience, rather than react from our survival strategies.
In this workshop we’ll explore how survival strategies live in our thinking, emotions, and bodies, and how to be aware of them. We’ll explore how to work with them, including; blend and befriend, new embodied skills, and somatic allyship.  We’ll look at somatic frameworks on trauma and automatic reactions, and how we are shaped by our experiences and social conditions. Please come ready to practice- seated or standing.


Staci K. Haines is a national leader in the field of Somatics, specializing in intersecting personal and social change. Staci is the co-founder of generative somatics, a multiracial social justice organization bringing somatics to social and climate justice leaders and organizations. She specializes in somatics and trauma, and leads programs for healers, therapists, and social change leaders to transform the impact of individual and social trauma and violence. Her new book The Politics of Trauma: Somatics, Healing and Social Justice (North Atlantic Press 2019) is based on that work. Staci is also the author of Healing Sex: A Mind Body Approach to Healing Sexual Trauma (Cleis 1999, 2007), and is the founder of generationFIVE, a community leadership organization whose mission is to end the sexual abuse of children within five generations. 

For more information, and



All events at the East Point Peace Academy are offered on a Gift Economy. This means that there is no fee to register, and everybody is welcome to attend regardless of their ability to pay. An opportunity will be offered to participants to give gifts to support the work of our organization and to support the facilitators. No amount is too small or too large.

To donate for this event, you can visit:


This event will happen virtually using the Zoom online conferencing platform. If you are not familiar with this platform, click here for instructions.

November 08, 2020 at 9:00am - 11am
Zoom Virtual Conferencing
East Point Peace Academy · · 510 500 7853

Will you come?